Dry Needling

Practice of inserting thin, sterile needles into trigger points like tender and painful muscle knots that limit your mobility.

When muscle tension and related stiffness cause pain that affects your range of motion, you may benefit from dry needling.

Overusing your muscles affects circulation to the muscle fibers. When your muscles don’t get enough oxygen and nutrients, they’re unable to return to their normal resting state. Without enough oxygen and nutrients, the muscles become acidic, and the nerves become more sensitive.

Inserting the dry needle into the muscle knot restores blood flow to the area, reducing acidity so the muscle can relax. The needle also triggers the release of your body’s natural painkillers.

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Keeping active and mobile
Remaining (or getting) free from painkillers
Staying out of the doctor’s office

Common questions

The team at Key Spine Care determines if you’re a candidate for dry needling after a thorough evaluation.

The sports medicine and primary spine care experts may recommend dry needling if you have muscle knots that cause pain and affect mobility. These knots may form in any muscle throughout the body, including the back, legs, or buttocks.

The team may also recommend dry needling to ease joint pain, back pain, migraines, and tension-type headaches.

Your provider at Key Spine Care performs your dry needling at the office. First, they clean your skin with an antiseptic agent and then use their fingers to find the muscle knot. Once they locate the knot, they insert the needle.

Your muscle may feel sore or twitch once the needle is inserted. The team leaves the needle in place for a few seconds or up to 20 minutes. They may insert only two needles during your first dry needling session, but you can get up to 15 needles at a time.

After your dry needling, you can expect to feel sore for a day or two. The team recommends drinking plenty of water, and they also urge you to skip any strenuous activity while your muscles are healing.

You may feel improvements in pain and mobility within a few days. But the team recommends a series of dry needling sessions to gain the most benefits.

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Our process to alleviate pain

The team at Key Spine Care will help you along every step of the journey

Discovery Visit

A chance for you to come down, meet us, get all your questions answered, and determine if we’re a good fit for what you need – completely FREE of charge. It’s a no-pressure, no-obligation appointment with a specialist, and there’s no prescription or referral required. If you’d like to “discover” what’s causing your problem first, BEFORE you invest any more of your time or money on treatments that don’t work, then Request a Discovery Session.

Create a comprehensive and individualized plan

Everyone is different, so why should everyone get the same cookie-cutter treatment plan? At Key Spine Care, we take the time to conduct a thorough examination and learn what are your unique wellness goals. ONLY AFTER these two steps are completed, and we have determined your individualized diagnosis, do we create a comprehensive and individualized plan to help you resume doing what you love — without the use of rest, pills, injections, or surgery!

Implement the plan to treat and prevent symptoms

At Key Spine Care, we focus on ACTIVE over passive treatment plans, and for good reason. Expert doctors and therapists all agree: An ideal treatment approach encompasses more active than passive methods. If your doctor or therapist is heavily reliant on passive methods such as massage, electric stimulation, heat/ice, kinesiotaping, and posture correction, that is a red flag. In our opinion, treatment plans that rely primarily or exclusively on passive methods such as spinal adjustments, massages, vibration beds, etc. are NOT addressing the underlying issue but rather are masking the symptoms and providing short-term symptom modification. 

This is why we proudly and exclusively only offer 1:1 care (e.g. no assistants or PTAs, just you and the doctor for the entire appointment, every time), we work together as a team to implement our shared plan to treat and prevent your symptoms.

Teach self-care methods

While we love our 1:1 time with our patients, we also do NOT want you to be locked into a never-ending treatment plan of 2-3 visits per week for life! Most of our treatment plans are 12 visits or less as we prioritize teaching you how to:

  • Eliminate the cause of the pain
  • Find pain-free postures
  • Develop healthy posture and movement patterns